December 2021/January 2022 Update

CBM hosted two virtual information sessions (webinar) on November 3, 2021 to provide a presentation of the proposal and to provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions to CBM staff and the technical experts on the file. CBM hosted the meetings via GoToWebinar.

An invitation to these meetings was delivered to all landowners within 120 m of the proposed expansion. An invitation was also sent via email to members of the public whose email addresses are in the project's contact list. The invitation was also published on the project website.

CBM would like to thank the neighbours that attended the virtual information sessions for your participation and for your questions and comments. We hope that we answered any questions that you may have and we look forward to continued dialogue with you as the licence application review process continues.

A copy of the presentation provided at the meetings can be found at the link here. Please note that CBM presented the same project information at both sessions.

The recording of the presentation can be watched below.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank the neighbours that have provided comments to CBM and the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (NDMNRF) via mail or email about the licence application. The deadline to provide comments on the application was December 14, 2021. CBM and the project team are reviewing all of the comments that were provided during the consultation period and will be responding to each question once all comments have been reviewed. You can expect to receive a reply in Q1 2022.

We continue to welcome questions that you may have at any time during the project, and are committed to participating in constructive dialogue. If you have questions or would like to be added to our contact list in order to receive future updates regarding the project, please contact us at:

Stephen May, Land & Resource Manager
(647) 637-6707

Previous Project Updates and Open House Events

January 24, 2018 Notification of Public Open House.

January 24, 2018 Open House Display Boards.